We promote quality Australian made equipment wherever possible. All of our systems come standard with SunLock Solar Panel Mounting System, the only Australian made solar panel mounting equipment.

Australian made solar panel mounting system
All SunLock products are fast to install, compliant with relevant standards (including AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 / Amdt 2:2012) and highly durable. Our engineering and compliance certificates are provided by Australian registered structural engineers and are supplied as part of the installation manual. So not only will you be getting a superior mounting system than many of the cheaper imported brands, but by buying Australian made you are also keeping your money in the country and supporting a large variety of local jobs.
Sunlock meets and exceeds AS1170, BCA and the NCC, and is manufactured to meet all local, State or Territory governments building codes and to perform in all regions from A to D which includes Cyclonic areas. Very few solar racking systems on the market can boast that!
Forther information and product datasheets visit their website at www.sunlock.com.au